KI’s Latest COVID Guidelines
Dear Members of our KI Family: We are profoundly indebted to the public health advisors in our community who continue to closely monitor local risks and developments. Their wisdom and perspective have educated our decisions and informed our Covid-19 policies. We expect those in attendance to be fully vaccinated (including boosters) against Covid-19 as soon asWATCH: Shavuot Conversations with Rabbi David Wolpe and Rabbi Naomi Levy
We were honored to welcome Rabbi David Wople of Sinai Temple and Rabbi Naomi Levy of Nashuva to enrich our Shavuot learning. They each joined Rabbi Hamilton for a conversation, which you watch below.
Praying Anew: Intergenerational Learning Series by Base BSTN
SERIES: TUESDAYS, JUNE 1ST, 8TH & 15TH @ 7:30-8:45PM Prayer has looked different for all of this year (if it’s looked like anything at all!). As we begin to imagine entering a synagogue, standing in a sanctuary, and praying in community, let’s reacquaint ourselves with some of the basics of communal prayer that may be