A Community of Belonging
Whether you are new to KI, a multi-generational KI family, or somewhere in between, we hope you will join us in KI’s ever-widening circle. KI is a welcoming, authentic, and inclusive Conservative synagogue that promotes Judaism that is intellectually alive, morally powerful, and personally transforming. Given the diversity of our members and their varied interests, we seek to offer an array of service offerings, a full breadth of educational offerings, and programs for each member. We offer traditional religious services on a daily basis, plus many opportunities for learning, from nursery school, religious school to adult education.
Sustaining Share
KI operates with a Sustaining Share membership model. Our aim is to increase the transparency of KI’s finances, simplify membership categories from Alef to Hey, and empower and trust individuals and families to make meaningful contributions in accordance with a sincere assessment of their personal finances. In embracing the Sustaining Share model, everyone in our community becomes a partner invested in the greater whole. To that end, money is not and will not be a barrier or a barometer of membership to KI.