Daily Minyan

A Minyan for Everyone

At KI, a conservative shul in Brookline near downtown Boston, we hold a minyan three times a day—rain or shine, snow or sleet.  It is the only daily egalitarian minyan in Brookline and a benchmark of our community.

The Daily Minyan provides a meaningful community for those who are saying Kaddish, but it is much more. The minyan is a recognition of our concern for the community, since our collective presence is necessary to sustain the value of tefillah b’tzibbur, communal prayer.

Whether saying Kaddish, nourishing the prayerful spirit, or sharing company with our ‘community of prayer’, all are welcome. If you’d like to have an increased role in our daily minyan, please complete our form and we’ll be in touch with you. We are always delighted to have new faces leading and layning!

KI’s daily Minyan (Monday-Friday Morning) are both in-person and online. Below are times and Zoom links

7:00AM Morning Services (online & in-person)
12:00PM Mishna Learning & Mincha (online only)
7:00PM Evening Services (online & in-person)



KI uses the Authorized Daily Prayer Book (the Sacks Siddur) because it forges a meaningful bond between worshipper and word.  Its clear translation and commentary bring the traditional liturgy to life, allowing us to delve deeper into the “how” and “why” of each prayer.

“In the dialogue between the human soul and the Soul of the universe a momentous yet gentle strength is born.”