Month: ט״ו בכסלו ה׳תשפ״ד (November 2023)

Jewish Resilience: Antisemitism and Emotional Well-Being

Facilitated by Hadassah Margolis Thursdays, Dec. 7, 14 & 21, 5:00-6:00PM | SIGN UP HERE Come join us to explore how antisemitism has been showing up in our lives since October 7. This space is not to talk/debate politics, but rather to be in community to discuss antisemitism’s effects on well-being, share coping ideas, and

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From the Front Lines With Michael Oren

From the Front Lines With Michael Oren Saturday, November 18, 12:30 PM at KI In-person and online (Click Zoom here) In partnership with the Friends of United Hatzalah, we are pleased to welcome Michael Oren, who will be joining us for part of Shabbat service, followed by an update on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and a Q&A immediately

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Daily Letter 28: Enlarging your Spiritual Storehouse

Enlarging your Spiritual Storehouse “Jews kept and enlarged their spiritual store at the very time when they were hunted and hated” wrote the novelist George Eliot. She marveled at the pliancy of Hebrew genius which relentlessly insisted, “difficulty means new device.” Toward this end, I am announcing a new weekly online gathering. Every Friday morning

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Erev Shabbat Refill with Rabbi Hamilton: Enlarge your Spiritual Storehouse

Erev Shabbat Refill: Enlarge your Spiritual Storehouse Every Friday Morning, 8:00AM on Zoom Rabbi Hamilton will lead us in a weekly, 30-minute Zoom gathering to provide brief words or Torah and nourishment, and offer space for reflections. We thank everyone who joined us last week, and look forward to this Friday morning as we welcome Shabbat.
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Daily Letter 26: What should we do?

What should we do? The next time a well-meaning friend criticizes Israel’s approach, ask for a couple of suggestions of what Israel should do instead. Fault-finding isn’t hard. But being realistic enough to provide other options, and then to follow through on where they might lead, this is what moral self-defense requires. We should all agree that harming the blameless is

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