Category: hesed

Volunteer with Yachad!

New England Yachad - Looking for Volunteers! New England Yachad is looking for adult volunteers for a performing arts class for adults with disabilities! The class is called "Express Yourself" and is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at Kehillath Israel. It is not necessary to attend every session. Yachad creates inclusive programs, where volunteers act as
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Welcome Blanket

Calling all KI knitters, quilters, crocheters, sewers, and crafters! Take part in KI’s HIAS Refugee Shabbat in March 2020. Welcome Blanket, a national craftivism project, asks participants to create blankets and notes of welcome to give to immigrants and refugees. Each blanket will be displayed in a pop-up exhibit on March 20-21 at KI, as
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