New England Yachad – Looking for Volunteers!
New England Yachad is looking for adult volunteers for a performing arts class for adults with disabilities! The class is called “Express Yourself” and is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at Kehillath Israel. It is not necessary to attend every session. Yachad creates inclusive programs, where volunteers act as “peer participants” and participate alongside our members. Make a difference in your community and participate in quality recreational programs!
Last spring, Yachad participated in a new leadership and advocacy program called Link20. Our goals are to raise awareness on the right of people with disabilities to be fully included in our society and to strengthen young activists’ leadership skills and influence in promoting inclusion and social justice. Our cohort is made up of young adults with and without disabilities who have an interest in advocacy and inclusion. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Rebecca Gilbert at or call 617-209-6799 ext. 103.
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