Welcome Blanket

Calling all KI knitters, quilters, crocheters, sewers, and crafters!

Take part in KI’s HIAS Refugee Shabbat in March 2020. Welcome Blanket, a national craftivism project, asks participants to create blankets and notes of welcome to give to immigrants and refugees. Each blanket will be displayed in a pop-up exhibit on March 20-21 at KI, as part of our participation in HIAS’s National Refugee Shabbat. The blankets will then be sent to local resettlement agencies to be delivered to our newest neighbors. Also, join our Brookline-based Welcome Blanket knitting circle, where we come together, create, and talk about immigration, or make a blanket on your own time. All levels of crafting ability welcomed. Blankets must be completed by March 1, 2020. More info on the project: www.welcomeblanket.org. Interested in participating? Email Hadassah Margolis at: media@welcomeblanket.org.