
Welcome to our 20/30s Community!

We are committed to giving young professionals in the Brookline/Greater Boston area a sense of purpose and pride in their Jewish identity, a place for fostering new friendships and rekindling old ones, all while finding a spiritual and physical home at Kehillath Israel. Our events are targeted to a diverse range of people in this age bracket, from single people to couples, professionals and students. In addition to a monthly Shabbat service and dinner, we will be offering specific holiday programming, monthly home hosted Shabbat Socials, and a community-wide monthly Melaveh Malkah song circle led by our Director of Spiritual Engagement, Ariel Wyner. 

If you’d like to learn more about our 20s/30s community, contact Ariel Wyner. You may also book time with Ariel below.

20s/30s Events

Click the buttons below to learn more and register for our programs.

20s/30s Shabbats

Join us for our monthly 20s and 30s Kabbalat Shabbat services and dinner! Our service is traditional, engaging, and filled with prayerful song. While we use a traditional siddur during the service, we also offer transliteration options if preferred. After dinner finishes, there will also be time for a tisch (singing around a table) and late night board games. Come to this event for the food, singing, and warm experience of a Shabbat evening spent in 20s and 30s community.

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