Rise and Shine: 5783 Community Reflections

As the New Year approaches, we asked you -- our most precious resource -- to answer two fundamental questions. These questions were: 

1) What have you learned recently that changed you in some important way?
2) How does this newer you look at others more compassionately?

"The message doesn't have to be shattering" - Leann

That each of us has a message hiding inside. Not the message that says what you did with your day, but a message that is deeper. Whether it is about your hopes, your fears or reflections, the message is there. The message doesn't have to be earth shattering; it just has to be yours. It doesn't come easily though. It needs to be coaxed out. I have found over the years, but perhaps more so, over the past few months, that walking helps me to find whatever narratives live inside of me. Walking helps to shake what is lying dormant inside....and then it is easier to begin to put those thoughts together. It was interesting to read an article this morning in the NYTimes, which spoke about this. It cemented what I have known for a while, and especially over the past few months; that moving unearths treasures (thoughts) and helps us to make sense of them.

 I believe that this year I learned much about tenacity, courage, gumption and character from a family with whom I work with on a regular basis. They have helped me see this country through the eyes of an immigrant. The confusion of a new home in a new place. The comparisons of a culture left behind for a new and very confusing culture. Although my father was an immigrant from Poland and my husband an immigrant from Iran, I never had the chance to have conversations with them when they first arrived in the United States. My conversations this year with this family with whom work has brought me insight into the thoughts and courage of others...for these conversations I am grateful. I have become more sensitive to what immigration is and the struggle that it presents long after the immigration occurs.

"Recovery Has Its Own Timetable" - Sherry 

I have needed a medical procedure, and it is taking me longer to recover than I had anticipated. I have re-learned both the miracle of our bodies’ ability for repair, and the fact that recovery has its own timetable, which just has to be respected.

I hope this will remind me to be compassionate and generous with people who are themselves recovering from difficulties: physical, emotional, and spiritual.

"On all fronts and levels" - Eliot

I learned that it's best not to get angry so easily just because I'm turned off by a comment. It has changed me that when I was annoyed, I decided it wasn't important, and to be better at picking my battles.

I'm trying to be more compassionate and make better decisions on all fronts and levels.

"We are called" - Craig

There has been significant changes in life of late, which has led to difficult choices and decisions. It manifests a pivotal moment that feels as if you're carrying bricks on your back. I have learned that we are called to make these choices. If this decision does not work out in the end, that is more than okay, just listen a little more next time to that calling and calming voice.  

"We see the tip of the iceberg" - Deborah

Our Rabbinic Intern, Deborah, reflects on catching someone at a particular moment.