Three Sides
Bari Weiss makes an essential point in this podcast (19 minute mark). There are really three sides in the current war against Hamas.
Israel: whose moral obligation it is to defeat Hamas who slaughtered and burned our men, women, and children on October 7th.
2 Million residents of Gaza: who languish under Hamas’ tyranny, whose suffering we so regret and lament.
Hamas: barbaric killers who promote human sacrifice among the 2 million Gazan Palestinians as an additional weapon in their propaganda war against Israel, and who are currently terrorizing 212 Jewish captives, and who, hourly, try to murder additional Israelis with their lethal rocket attacks.
Hamas seeks to collapse their identity into the identity of non-combatants in Gaza.
It is vital to accentuate the enormous gulf between them.
One action item for you: Try to attend and participate in the formation of a human chain tomorrow, Monday night at 6 pm, around the Boston Common to call more attention to the plight and fate of Israelis held captive by Hamas.
Am Yisrael Chai.
Rabbi William Hamilton
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