Daily Letter 21: Moral Fortitude

Moral Fortitue

You cannot judge a country by their most regrettable behaviors.

Instead, you can judge a country by how it responds to them.

Consider this current illustration, Letter to Mayor of Givatayim from Minister of Interior. It is a rebuke. A forceful rejection by Israel’s Minister of the Interior, Moshe Arbel, who is Haredi (ultra-orthodox, part of Arye Deri’s Party).

The Mayor of the town of Givatayim, a progressive Tel Aviv suburb, had stopped the employment of Arab workers. The Minister of the Interior reverses this policy.

Acting on principle is what we expect. And, it’s what we are doing.

“The only safeguard against constant danger is constant vigilance and constant guidance.”
-Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

Am Yisrael Chai.
Rabbi William Hamilton