High Holidays at KI – Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur

As we prepare to greet Yom Kippur, we invite you to first watch two videos from KI President Peter Lefkowitz and Rabbi Hamilton that will anchor your high holiday experience. 

Please note: Most services on campus are at capacity, however, our policy is not to turn away the walk-in guest.  Our enhanced and careful security policy for guests is admission only with government issued ID and bag check.  We will do our best to find a service for walk-ins, but flexibility will be necessary. Please see our schedule below.

Friday, October 11 – Kol Nidre
5:50PM Candle lighting
5:55PM Kol Nidre 

Saturday, October 12 – Yom Kippur
(Approx. Times)
8:45AM P'sukei D'Zimra
9:10AM Shacharit
10:15AM Torah Service
11:15AM Sermon
11:40AM Yizkor
12:30PM Musaf
12:45PM Kavanah
3:30PM Mincha
5:00PM Neila
6:25PM Maariv
6:48PM Shofar + Fast Concludes

-Kol Nidrei babysitting 18 months-12 years old during service time

-Yom Kippur morning babysitting during morning service times

Youth Programs for Yom Kippur:

4 and under 10:30 to 11:30AM
5 to 7 10:30 to 11:30AM
8 to 11 10:30 to 11:30AM

Ariel Wyner, our Director of Spirtual Engagement, has introduced several melodies for the High Holiday season. You can view them all here!

To enter KI, please use the silver wrist bands that you received in the mail and present your gray printed ticket. We kindly request that you do not use your cellular device to show ushers and security your ticket. Please keep your devices on silent mode in your pocket or bags at all times. As noted above, we are at capacity for Yom Kippur, but will not turn anyone away. Additional security checks are in place for walk-ins.